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Would Porcelain Veneers Work for Me?

Porcelain veneers Greater Fort Lauderdale FL cosmetic dentists

Would Porcelain Veneers Work for Me?

Porcelain veneers Greater Fort Lauderdale FL cosmetic dentists

You’ve dreamt of having that “Hollywood smile” for years but it always seemed out of reach even after trying other procedures. Our Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL, cosmetic dentists encourage you to not give up as we have just the solution: porcelain veneers.

Here are a few benefits of veneers as well as what you should consider before pursuing them and who fits as a candidate.

Think About What You’d Like to Change

When you look in the mirror and smile, what do you wish you could change about your teeth? Generally, many people want a whiter smile, less gaps between teeth, and chips or cracks gone. Asking yourself what you would like to see before treatment is important and can help our dentists provide the most targeted solution.

If your desires align with what veneers can do, we can perform a quick oral examination just to make sure no other procedures are needed prior to placement. It is important to remember that receiving veneers will permanently alter your natural tooth enamel which can’t be reversed. For this reason, we want you to be sure of your decision.

Still want certain imperfections dealt with but aren’t ready for veneers after all? Our dentists can speak with you about dental bonding. This procedure involves tooth-colored composite resin material being applied and cured/hardened on teeth to help enhance those that are chipped, cracked, or misshapen.

Assessing Your Candidacy for Veneers

Patients interested in the veneers procedure are eligible as long as their smile is healthy and in good condition from the start. Veneers are best placed when there are no underlying oral health issues such as gum disease, missing teeth, tooth infection, or cavities.

Interested patients should also have strong enamel to begin with and not actively grind their teeth. Our dentists will not place a veneer over compromised enamel as it does not fix the structural issue at hand and will only worsen over time. If your enamel needs special care, we can discuss other restorative options aside from veneers.

Now, it is still possible to place veneers after certain conditions are treated and resolved. For instance, if you have an infection or a cavity but you want veneers, our dentists can fill the cavity or help clear up the infection first and return your smile to a healthier state.

Notable Benefits of Veneers

When it comes to veneers, there are several appealing benefits. For one, they can dramatically improve your smile and boost your confidence around family, friends, and co-workers. That means not hiding your smile and feeling shy when the camera is turned on you.

Other advantages of porcelain veneers include:

  • Resistance to food and beverage stains
  • Natural tooth look
  • Can fix chipped, cracked, gapped, or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Less filing and shaping required compared to dental crowns
  • Whitens smile if a lighter shade is chosen
  • Long-lasting wear if cared for properly

Explaining the Procedure 

You can expect the placement of veneers to take a few visits to our Plantation, FL, dental office. At your first appointment, our dentists will prepare your teeth for the procedure and take digital impressions that will be sent to a dental lab for fabrication.

Don’t worry, your smile won’t be left in a vulnerable state at this time. While you wait for your permanent veneers to be made, we will place temporary coverings on your teeth. After about 2-3 weeks, the veneers will return from the dental lab and we’ll ask for you to come back into the office.

We’ll remove the temporary coverings, make any other necessary preparations, and permanently cement each veneer to your teeth.

Make an Appointment

When you’re ready to take the plunge and commit to veneers, our cosmetic dentists serving Plantation and Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL, are here to make the transformation a reality. Call Barr Dental Group today at (954) 327-7400 to request an appointment and learn more.