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A Comprehensive Clear Aligners FAQ

Clear Aligners Dentist Plantation Fl

A Comprehensive Clear Aligners FAQ

Clear Aligners Dentist Plantation Fl

The orthodontics of today is most certainly not the same as it was back in the day. For one, you don’t have to commit to traditional braces if you don’t want to, thanks to the popularity and effectiveness of clear aligners. Our Greater Fort Lauderdale cosmetic dentists offer Precision Align™ for adults and teen patients.

Here’s a list of questions (and answers) to review if you’re considering this form of orthodontic treatment.

What is Precision Align?

Precision Align clear aligners are an inconspicuous and convenient way to straighten your teeth. They do not involve any metal wires or brackets and are worn over a patient’s top and bottom teeth. Many who choose clear aligners over traditional braces appreciate the subtle appearance and quick results.

Can You Explain How Clear Aligners Work?

Similar to regular metal braces, clear aligners apply controlled force to teeth so that they are moved into a better position. It is a gradual process that involves a new set of aligners being worn every 1-2 weeks.

The severity of your case will ultimately determine the number of aligner sets you are given by our dentists. If too severe, we may refer you to a local orthodontist for further examination and specialized treatment in addition to routine care inside our Plantation, FL, dental office.

I Have to Wear Clear Aligners For How Long?

For best results, our dentists want you to wear your top and bottom aligners for at least 22 hours a day. They should only be removed for eating, drinking (beverages other than water), brushing, and flossing.

If instructions are not followed or aligners are not worn for long enough, corrections may be necessary which will delay your progress.

When Will Results Be Noticeable?

Every patient is different but on average, adults and teens wearing clear aligners can see ideal alignment in 12 months or less. This is of course accomplished if every set in your series of aligners is worn for at least 22 hours a day, 1-2 weeks each.

Are There Benefits to Wearing Clear Aligners?

Precision Align has multiple advantages as a treatment option. Some of those include:

  • A low-key look thanks to thin plastic that’s nearly invisible to those around you
  • No need for adjustments or repairs, just put in the next set of aligners when instructed
  • Freedom to enjoy an unrestricted diet; no need to avoid sticky or chewy foods
  • Ease when practicing oral hygiene thanks to the aligners’ removable nature

Would Clear Aligners Work For Me?

Our dentists recommend aligners to teens and adults who are looking for a metal-free alternative to traditional orthodontics. An ideal candidate has to be committed to the entire process and be dedicated to wearing their clear aligners for the required amount of time every day.

If after a dental exam, our dentists find that you need more extensive orthodontic treatment, we will discuss your options with you. This may mean additional oral surgery and the placement of metal braces.

Set Up a Consultation

Come see our cosmetic dentists serving Plantation and Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL, if you want to correct your bite and teeth spacing with clear aligners! Call Barr Dental Group today at (954) 327-7400 to request an appointment.