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Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions Dentist Near Plantation Fl

Though it is a scenario that our Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL, dentists will always aim to avoid, not every tooth can be saved. If it becomes apparent that all other restorative treatments are not going to work, we will pursue tooth extraction for the sake of your oral health. The procedure is straightforward and with anesthesia, results in little to no discomfort.

Top Reasons for Tooth Extraction

When available methods like dental crowns or tooth-colored fillings have been ruled out, tooth removal becomes the best remaining option. This is often due to the fact that your tooth is no longer able to be repaired. It can feel overwhelming to hear that the procedure is needed but you have nothing to worry about when you’re in our care.

You can expect extraction to become a possibility if you have:

  • Tooth decay that’s severe
  • A fractured or impacted tooth
  • An advanced case of gum disease
  • Recently experienced a dental injury

Are There Benefits to Tooth Extraction?

Benefits in the same sentence as tooth extraction might not sound right but there are actually a few advantages to having teeth pulled. The main one being that it can reduce the damage harmful bacteria can inflict on your teeth and gums. When you leave a damaged tooth alone, bacteria is able to have a field day and cause additional complications.

Pulling teeth can also greatly alleviate any dental pain you may be experiencing. Broken or infected teeth often result in toothaches and gum discomfort that can disrupt your day. After our dentists take out the problematic tooth, you should feel a sense of relief.

Lose a Tooth to Regain Your Oral Health

Tooth removal is scary to many patients which is why it’s not uncommon for some to avoid seeking care. Our dentists serving Plantation and Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL, assure you that extractions are simple procedures that are performed to help your smile overall. Call Barr Dental Group today at (954) 327-7400 to request an appointment.